Knowing how to share the road, riding smart and being aware of Indiana Bicycle laws leads to riding safe.
When you're itchin' to ride let us guide you to the best roads, the best rides and the grandest of times.

The Road Belongs to All
You bike. You share the road with cars. We've got your number, and it's on a distinctive metal plate that attaches to your car or truck. Not only does it give you license to drive your vehicle, but spreads the message that cyclists have a rightful place on the road. Indiana plate info and ordering is at this link.
Subscribe to our newsletter and updates.
“Bicycle Indiana is a great statewide advocate, working to make our roads safe for everyone. I greatly appreciate the support with education materials for cyclists..”
Amy Hartzog, Ft. Wayne, IN, League Cycling Instructor
We have enjoyed a long-term partnership with Bicycle Indiana, including co-hosting the Indiana Bike & Walk Summit in 2016 and 2018. That event has provided an excellent forum for bringing together walk and bike advocates from throughout the state and showcasing the active transportation success stories of Hoosier communities.
Kim Irwin, Executive Director, Health by Design
“Bicycle Indiana is making bicycling better for Hoosiers. Better biking means more informed cyclists which is good for everybody.”
Nicholas Rothe / Bicyclist / Bloomington, Indiana


© 2019 Bicycle Indiana, a non profit organization